River Info
Using and Accessing the Club Ski and Wake Area
River Skiing, Wakeboard and Leisure Areas

Skiing and Wakeboarding Rules
For the safety and enjoyment of all River Teign users please make sure that before you take to the water you have thoroughly read your membership card and are familiar with the club rules, skiing & wakeboarding areas, and the acceptable use of the ski areas.
Members are only permitted to exceed the speed limit of 6 knots (7 mph) inside the ski area (marked by the yellow marker buoys shown on the map overleaf) when actively engaged in SDWSC endorsed activities. IN ALL OTHER AREAS OF THE RIVER the 6 knot speed limit MUST NOT be exceeded.
All members MUST display their club sticker on their boat at all times. If parking cars and/or trailers at Coombe Cellars they must be at the far end of the car park.
Every member has a duty to ensure that the club rules are obeyed. All members should exercise stewardship of the skiing area, informing non-members of the club rules & speed limits (note that this has the full support of the THC Harbour Master).
Members must comply with all requirements and restrictions enforced by the THC Harbour Master and River Patrols. Occasional temporary restrictions may be enforced by the THC Harbour Master when river events occur within the skiing area.
All members should abide by the safety rules of British Water Ski & Wakeboard, which include having an observer in the boat when towing. (www.BWSW.org.uk) It is recommended that ski boat drivers always wear a kill cord.
Protective clothing should be worn at all times, and a helmet when using the jump.
Visitors wishing to ski must be issued with temporary membership.
All boat engines should be adequately silenced. Radios & sound systems, either integral or portable, MUST NOT be played at a volume audible outside the boat.
The skiing & wakeboarding area is divided into 2 areas (as indicated on the map shown above).
Please use these areas as follows:
The Leisure skiing area (for free skiing, kneeboarding, wakeboarding, tubing, jumping, etc) is situated down river from a line between Coombe Cellars and Red Rock, down to the yellow marker buoys off Arch Brook (no further). Boats must use this area in a clockwise direction.
When the TCYC burgee flag is flying (indicating sailing races), skiing, wakeboarding or speeding is NOT permitted in the Leisure area at all.
The Tournament skiing area is situated up river from a line between Coombe Cellars and Red Rock, up to the yellow marker buoys.
When skiing is taking place on the slalom course, please wait your turn to ski or wakeboard on or by the course. Members should dock at the end of the jetty or on the beach at Coombe Cellars in order to arrange a rota with other members present. They should then take turns to use the Tournament area, taking only two runs in each direction before returning to the jetty or beach.
PLEASE DO NOT ski or wakeboard over the far side of the Tournament area (Bishopsteignton side) when members are using the slalom course, as the boat wakes can take 10-15 minutes to die away, making it difficult, dangerous and frustrating to ski on the course.
When the TCYC burgee is flying and therefore no skiing or wakeboarding is permitted in the Leisure Area, and there are more than four members’ boats using the water, the Tournament Area can be used for recreational skiing & wakeboarding without the rule regarding taking turns applying.
A RED FLAG flying at the end of the jetty indicates that a skiing or wakeboarding competition is taking place. Members who are not competing are requested to stay well down river in the Leisure area and to ensure that boat wakes do not go into the Tournament Area or onto the ski jump and jump approaches if a jump competition is being held (unless the TCYC burgee is flying, in which case no leisure skiing is allowed).
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